Helping Herefordshire businesses through the Coronavirus crisis

Herefordshire Business Board is working in partnership with Herefordshire Council, the Marches Growth Hub, the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership and many other business-focused organisations to develop a coordinated local response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

We understand that what businesses need most during these extremely difficult times is accurate and relevant advice, support and guidance to enable them to survive and then thrive after the crisis.

For up-to-date local business information, we recommend that you visit the Marches Growth Hub website.

You may also find Herefordshire Council’s daily updates to be another useful source of local information.

Click here for the latest national information and guidelines.

Call for volunteers

Herefordshire Business Board is working with Herefordshire Council to coordinate a team of volunteers from the business sector.

The impact of the coronavirus on Herefordshire’s businesses will only truly become known over the weeks and months to come.

Economic survival is only one – albeit very important – aspect. There will also be less tangible difficulties caused by the additional stress, anxiety and feelings of social isolation when dealing with the crisis.

Herefordshire Business Board is asking all businesses to consider how they may be able to help.

For example (you may also have your own ideas):

  • Offers to share resources, raw materials, components, etc or to reconfigure current manufacturing operations to produce urgently required items such as hand sanitisers or personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Sharing of vehicles that are currently standing idle, but could be used to support the local effort – for example the distribution of goods to the most vulnerable groups in our society.
  • Providing details of willing staff who have been furloughed but would be happy to undertake voluntary activities to support local initiatives.
  • Sharing of ideas, for example suggestions on how to reconfigure services or if you’ve witnessed a particular situation that could benefit a local employer or service.
  • Acting as a mentor to support other businesses and to provide a listening ear.

We do not know precisely what will be needed in the weeks and months ahead. At this stage, we’re simply putting together a list of offers that may or may not be called upon in the future.

We need all businesses to consider how they may add to this pool of helpers. Please email us with any offers of help. We really need to know as a matter of urgency who would be available, where they are based, have they got vehicles and any other relevant details.

Scam alerts

Unfortunately, there are some who will take advantage of crises such as the current one to exploit and harm businesses and people. With that in mind, we hope you will find this information sheet helpful in alerting you to some of the most common scams: Coronavirus-scam-Alert4528.pdf


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