About Us

Herefordshire Business Board

Herefordshire Business Board is an independent body that has a vital role in supporting enterprise and economic growth for Herefordshire. It brings together representatives from the private sector and lead contacts within key regeneration projects across the county.

Members of the Herefordshire Business Board are given an opportunity to guide and influence the strategic economic direction of Herefordshire, working alongside business partners and the local authority.

By sharing information, research and evidence the Herefordshire Business Board puts Herefordshire in a powerful position to develop projects and prioritise development in the county. It  helps to create a strong economy, better value jobs, growth and the infrastructure to support a thriving economy.

The key role of the Herefordshire Business Board is to represent the collective interests of businesses in the county. It aims to be the advocate and voice of business in Herefordshire through the encouragement and promotion of sustainable business development and inward investment.

In summary, Herefordshire Business Board:

  • Provides a Herefordshire “voice” and champions Herefordshire projects.
  • Aids collaboration and communication within the private sector and the local authority and other public funding bodies.
  • Represents local private sector views to shape future strategy and influence economic policy relevant to economic growth and business benefit at a Herefordshire, regional and national level.

Terms of Reference for the Board are currently under review following the disbandment of the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership at the end of March 2024.

For further information, please email: admin@herefordshirebusinessboard.co.uk.


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